Tips for Helping Your Dog Lose Weight Skip to main content


How to Help Dog Lose Weight Without Exercise

Every dog owner should know how to help a dog lose weight. This is because overweight dogs have more health problems such as cancer, joint pain, hip dysplasia and breathing difficulties. To reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart problems, it is important to treat your pet's overweight condition before it gets worse. Obesity is influenced by a number of factors such as diet, lifestyle, gender, genetics and age. You can use these tips on how to help a dog lose weight safely to reduce his weight. The first thing you need to do is to change the food you give your dog. Most owners find that feeding their pets commercial food made from ingredients that are considered to be junk causes them to gain weight. Since these foods contain chemicals and preservatives, it increases the acid in the stomach, which causes the body to release more water and causes further weight gain. If you want to know how to help a dog lose weight, making changes to the diet is very important. Gi...

Tips for Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

As a dog owner you may be looking for information on how to help a dog lose weight. The truth is that if you are feeding your dog nothing but dry food, it can lead to obesity and health problems. So do not wait any longer to find out how you can get your pooch to eat healthier. In this article I will explain how you can make it happen.

To begin with you need to figure out what type of nutrition your dog needs. For how to help a dog lose weight consider if it is a case of obesity or hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia in dogs is often caused by a severe diet change. Usually the dogs that suffer from this condition are fed food high in fat. Fat is used as an energy source. This can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other life threatening conditions.

Obesity can occur when the dog is fed too much processed foods that contain low quality protein and calories. How to help dog lose weight is to get your dog on a better diet and increase the amount of fiber and fats that he eats. High fiber foods such as whole grains, brown rice and oats are good for your dog's intestinal tract and can help him feel full.

Another common cause of weight gain in dogs is from birth defects. Birth defects can cause a dog to gain weight. To help your dog lose weight consider talking with the vet about the possibility of having your dog tested for these conditions. Other causes of weight gain in dogs include genetics and unhealthy feeding habits. If you find that none of these reasons apply to your dog then you need to take him to a veterinarian for diagnosis.

You may wonder how to help a dog lose weight and the answer is to make some changes in his diet and exercise habits. You can give him the right kind of food, but you must also make sure that he gets enough physical exercise every day. Physical exercise will help burn up the excess fat that he is carrying and if your dog is motivated enough, he will begin to exercise on his own.

The best way to start your search for answers on how to help a dog lose weight is to start with the behavior that he displays. If your dog starts to bark excessively or go off leash then you know that something is not right. Many dogs are overly active and you should consider taking your dog to a local dog park to play. This will motivate your dog to start to use his energy more productively. If you don't want to take your dog to the park, you can still teach him good behavior by rewarding him when he does what you ask.

Another tip for helping your pooch on how to help a dog lose weight is to make sure that you have a healthy lifestyle. If you have poor eating habits, don't let your dog get away from you. Exercise is another important factor that has to be included in the quest for how to help a dog lose weight. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise that you can provide for your dog and you will both be happy with the results.

Last, but not least, you need to watch your dog carefully so that he understands what you expect of him. If you let him get away with it then you will only be frustrated yourself because you will have done everything you could to help him. You need to learn what behaviors you should be looking for so that you can tell him to stop. Once you train him to do the things that you want, you will finally be able to enjoy the company that he brings around the house.


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